Well, zero motivation to log in and play SW:TOR today. I actually missed Rift to be honest.
Maybe its exacerbated by playing it virtually solo which is making it feel very much as Gordon from We flySpitfires puts it: "Mass Effect combined with a MMO from 2007."
I started to lose a little interest in the Sith Inquisitor's storyline around Dromund Kaas too. Perhaps it doesn't help that the conversation option of 'And i should give a crap, why?' is so freely available with quest givers. I'm roleplaying that i don't care! Go me! how awesome... oh wait...I actually don't care?
Its like some kind of meta level of 'kill ten rats' quest irony...we know you don't care why, now you get to say you don't care, but then do it anyway! This, in MMOs, is taken as progress. (Okay you can choose to refuse the quest and do something else for the xp, like say, killing ten rats....)
Even a game that impressed me so much as Skyrim i can go a few days in between plays. Some times I'll go long enough between plays that the thread eventually snaps like it did in ME2 and i'll forget the story and any enjoyment i was having with it. It will end up on my list of games that I keep meaning to finish but know I will never actually get around to. Certainly wondering if the same will happen here.
So feeling a little like i may have wasted my money to be honest.
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